Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Plastic Christians

Well the AFA is patting themselves on the back today after claiming a victory for Christ! They are no longer calling for Christians to boycott the Gap or Old Navy stores this holiday season. Why? Because the Gap is finally acknowledging the supremacy of our Lord and Savior in their advertising. Their new ad, which has changed EVERYTHING, features perfectly shaped, perfectly happy, perfectly dressed and coiffed plastic people wishing other perfectly shaped, perfectly happy, perfectly dressed and coiffed plastic people a "Merry Christmas", all the while skating (perfectly) on ice - which I am sure is perfectly frozen.

It would be enough to melt a Real True Christian's heart - if it weren't made of plastic!


  1. Ohhhhhh, don't get me started! Why did the Christians decide to celebrate Christ's birthday on December 25th? Because that is the time the European Pagans had their winter solstice celebrations. They wanted to absorb the culture, like the Borg! The rest is history.

  2. Right! I comment on that in my previous posting (listed after this one) where I bitch about the AFA bitching about the Gap not using the word "Christmas" in any of their ads.


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